Friday, March 9, 2007

John Deere

And of course. There was John Deere. If he was handsome before. He is gorgeous now.

They did loose it!

I always knew that Dave&Paula would loose it completely one day. It's been coming for a looong time. I mean, it is not possible to be as sweet and thougtful as they are without going bananas. And they did...My word. What landed on our doorstep today? This Care Pack just full of..of... treasures!!! Check it out people:

Last time we spoke to you guys you mentioned something of a box of random stuff " you know, just full of fun things". Hello!?!? You forgot to mention how much thought you guys put in to this. We are totally BLOWN AWAY!! Thank you so, so much!
Vermont Calendar - I mean, who can have a day/week/month without a little bit o' Vermont in it?
Antique box w/ tea - as soon as our kitchen is done --> prime spot!!
Blueberry coffee - Sander thanks the Lord everyday! I am now thanking YOU everyday!!
Firealarm - we wouldn't want all this great stuff we got to go up in flames, now would we?
Kitchen utensils - spiffy, spiffy, spiffy.
The MOUNTAIN of Rice Krispy Treats - good bye Beach 2007! Hello krisp krisp & marshmallow!
SinterKlaas - how on earth did you find our Dutch fellow in Vermont?
Starbucks gift certificate - Caramel Macchiato. Frappucino. Say.No.More
And.... The Love Cuffs - "Don't let him get away this Valentine's Day" Well, I am not letting him get away any day now that I have these puppies...

And there was this other thing in the package...You guys ARE really crazy. We can't thank you enough.
Dave & Paula, a bizillion of thank you's! Lots of love from the both of us!!

Veckan som varit

Jag håller så med dig Nina, veckan har bara försvunnit. Så jag gör precis som du har gjort och ser om jag kommer ihåg höjdpunkterna...

Veckans Trevligaste: Det stora paketet med massor av "random stuff" från USA. Bild bevis på väg in på bloggen och en ranson blåbärskaffe på väg till Malin.
Veckans Duktigaste: Springtur i hällregn, helt klart.
Veckans Gottaste: Take-A-Wok på hörnet Gijsbrecht-Neuweg var precis så yummy som jag hoppats på.
Veckans Skratt: Dörren som inte passar in i dörrposten. Kommer säkert utveckla sig till resten av måndadens trauma...
Veckans Internet Shopping: guldiga skor från
Veckans Jobbigaste: Morgon möte. I Belgien.
Veckans Trauma: Hitta outfit till bröllopet.
Veckans SignaturMelodi: The Sweet Escape med Gwen Stefani är på repeat i mitt huvud.

Nu väntar en sval Lancer och en mjuk soffa. Imorgon väntar hysterisk klänning shopping i Amsterdam - bear with me fellow shoppers...Bear with me...