Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Summer Snippet part I

Portland July 2008.

Most of the trip we of course spent around here

However, the first day I arrived. My lovely V had booked us in here.

After a nice weekend with V and S, I made this my home for 2 weeks (could there be more patterns in one and the same room, you ask?)

I started out walking down memory lane...Good ol' Uptown Heights still hanging on to the slopes of Portland

The legendary NW 23rd Street. Starbucks "Where Tessan met Malin" was filmed here. Then when they were like BFF they moved up the street to Pizzicato

And yes, there was a weekend. J and I fled town

Pike Place Market - home of many things, but mostly the first...

Starbucks. -Brill!!

For those of you that haven't heard how inspiring a little bit of flying fish can be during your working day go here also check out this. You wouldn't believe what they have you reading and watching at work these days...

Nice Sunday drive down the Pacific Coast, ending at Cannon Beach

The Grand Finale!! (it would have been even more grand if Brazen Bean would have kept open for a tad bit longer. RIP)

Last thing I remember was Greenland turning white and then the saga was over